Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy Halloween

We've had a very festive, busy, and fun Halloween.  We cut, frosted and gorged ourselves on ghost and goblin shaped cookies, we carved pumpkins and were up to our elbows in seeds and slime, we went to a community costume party, we trunk or treated and then trick or treated just for good measure.  And now, our costumes are off and ready to be cleaned and packed away, we've sorted the candy and other goodies, we've watched "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," and tomorrow we'll toss our pumpkins before they start to mold.  It was a good year.



Emerson Experiment said...

Ooooh Lindsey I'm so jealous of your pumpkins right now! Oahu is in a crisis, there are no more CARVABLE pumpkins left in the stores and my kids are bummed. May have to carve a watermelon this year. Happy Halloween to your family :)

Nomads By Nature said...

We didn't get to carve pumpkins here - looking at your awesome ones, I am really missing that part of the holiday. It sounds like your little ones had a great time with all the festivities - the costumes are awesome! Such little cuties!

Lauren in GA said...

I had to laugh at that picture of the huge pumpkin being relieved of its guts. Both boys look so so thrilled. ☺

Adrianne said...

Is it bad that we skpped pumpkin carving b/c in the Arizona heat they just rot in a day anyway?? We did make pumpkin and ghost shaped pizzas for dinner ,and pumpkin rice crispy treats, do those count?? I'm so not as crafty with my kids as I thought I would be, I think I've decided I like things to turn out cute more than I like to involve my kids. I'm a sucky mom. I miss you. ARe you sure you don't want to move to ARizona for the next 3 years instead of China??


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