Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Almost There

Tonight is the very last class of my master's program.  There are still some lingering assignments before I can permanently close the book on this semester, but after tonight there are no more classes.  And, from where I'm sitting right now, no plans to EVER enroll in another class, be it pottery, ballroom dance, or, perish the thought, something of a more academic ilk.  My mother, wisely I'm sure, says "Never say never," but, right now, the thought of ever being graded again makes me nauseous.  

I haven't had a perfect experience in graduate school, but I have accomplished what I set out to do.  I've been challenged.  I've been introduced to new ideas and theories.  I hope I've laid the foundation for teaching my children the value and importance of advanced education, even at great sacrifice.  I've struggled with finding a balance between doing the things I want to do, the things I need to do, and the things I'd rather not ever do.  I've proven to myself that I can do hard things.  And, despite having a baby and raising three kids, I've finished...almost. 

On May 18th, I will don my graduation robes and finally be awarded the advanced degree that I have longed for.  Between now and then I will produce some 60 pages of papers and projects, but after 4 semesters, thousands of pages of reading, hundreds of hours of classes and studying and group work, 42 credits, far more tests than I want to remember, dozens of in-class presentations, and countless other commitments required to matriculate, those final assignments will be a cake walk.  I'm tired.  It's been a long haul and my family, my children, my friends, and especially my husband have shouldered many of my burdens and, therefore, made all this possible.  I have no regrets, none, but I am ready to be done.  

I am so close, so very, very close and it feels great!

Monday, April 09, 2012

Happy Easter!

We've been Eastering around these parts and having a wonderful time.  We are swimming in a sea of new stuffed animals, plastic eggs, jelly beans, Easter grass, and chocolate.  There is only one more day of Spring/Easter break left and then we are back to reality, but we have savored every moment of our time off.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Look Who's Talking, etc.

Here is Claire in all her goo goo, ga ga glory.

 Warning, there is a very select audience which will actually appreciate the following.  However, in my not so objective opinion it's pretty cute, so even if you wouldn't normally click "Play" do it anyway, just for kicks. 


Claire has been putting herself to sleep these days, HUZZAH!  Here she is napping on her playmat after an exhausting session of batting, kicking and staring at the (i.e. her) face in the overhead mirror.

 On her way to la la land.  It would appear that she, like her brothers, is going to be a finger/thumb sucker.  We tried to get her hooked on the pacifier, but she spit it out in favor of her thumb.  Having had to break one child so far of this habit, we wish she would take the pacifier.  On the other hand, it is really nice to have self-soother in the middle of the night.

And, speaking of brothers, here they are enjoying this year's beautiful, albeit very early, crop of cherry blossoms.


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