Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming in 3 Days!

Christmas happenings at our house of late:
 Presents for school teachers.  They left the house like this and were delivered to the teachers sans ribbons and tags.  Caleb was too excited to be bothered with keeping them looking pretty -- I'll remember that next year.

 A visit to Zoo Lights at the National Zoo.

 All bundled up and enjoying the scenery.  
Isaac, per usual, not looking at the camera.

 This is a recent tradition at the National Zoo and 
I think we will make it one of ours too.

 I thought the lights were very impressive and plentiful, but the boys were far more interested in the naked mole rats exhibit.

 Thank you to the makers of gingerbread house kits.  The boys love to decorate them, but I just don't have the motivation to make the gingerbread myself.

The finished product.  Looks good enough to eat, no?  
Okay, so not so much, but we had fun creating it, nevertheless.

 A rare shot of Isaac cooperating for the camera.

We've been reading a Christmas story every night this month and the boys have LOVED unwrapping each day's book.  These are not all new books, by the way.  We just wrapped up the Christmas stories we already owned, added a few more, and voila, 25 days of Christmas stories.


Becky said...

I love the book idea! That is awesome. The naked mole rats cracked me up. My kids have a thing with them too. I guess cause they are just so ugly and because they can bite so hard. Hope you have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

That book idea is great! We've got to have close to 25 around here. I didn't know the zoo did that with the lights- we'll have to check it out. Merry Christmas!

Adrianne said...

love love love the book idea - will have to do that. And I have 2 days to let people go ahead of me in line.

You are making the world a brighter place Linsey!

Donna said...

Your gingerbread looks WAAAY better than ours.

Nicol said...

I have a friend that does the book tradition too. I think it's a great idea, perhaps it will keep us from reading the same book every night.

Becky said...

This week's State Department Blog Round Up is here:

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