Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We have good news and bad news. The good news is our visas were finally approved yesterday afternoon - Huzzah! The bad news is, 'er, our visas were finally approved yesterday afternoon. Of course the only seats available were for today, so we are beginning our trek to Caracas in just 4 short hours. I am thrilled to be getting out of the hotel and into our own space, but the packing was a nightmare and I am dreading going through security with our many accouterments - oh well, we've survived that before and will again, I'm sure. Our only other concern at this point is that we are flying through Miami and as Tropical Storm/Hurricane Faye inches closer, our chances of being delayed in the less than lovely Miami airport increase. We're praying mightily that won't happen and that we'll arrive this evening as planned without any emergency landings along the way, water or otherwise. Adios for now, we'll be back in the blogging swing of things just as soon as we have identified a Venezuelan service provider and have our internet access up and running.


The Doughracle said...

Good Luck!! Our prayers are with you!

Kristy said...


robin marie said...

good luck!

Ilene said...

Oh, I am TIRED for you! I hope Faye keeps away until you guys are out of Miami!

Heather said...

Buen viaje amigos! It was great seeing you, albeit too briefly, on Saturday. Good luck with everything and just let me know when I need to ship you some powdered milk or eggs!

Celia Fae said...

You are going to have some excellent pictures. Can't wait.

diane said...

Red tape,ugh. Safe travels!


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