Getting all three of the kids to look at the camera at the same time with decent expressions is nearly impossible. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We take shot after shot in the hopes that one will be a keeper. Holiday pictures generally tend to be the worst, probably because I really want them to come out great and usually there are carefully selected outfits involved. Easter this year was particularly challenging, as evidenced below...
90% of the time, Claire is the culprit
for example
now she's just toying with me
and here, she just up and walked away
and then decided she'd be happier on her own
Caleb does everything he can to get the other two to cooperate,
look at that perfect posture!
Claire look at Mommy, Claire look at Mommy, Claire look at Mommy,
Claire, Claire, Claire...
responding to Kenny's attempts to get her attention
If Claire plays around too long, we inevitably lose Isaac, by this point he was done
The best of the bunch. 3 smiling faces looking in the sameish direction.
Not perfect, but we'll take it. Next up, 4th of July.
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