If you know us, you know that we have a lot of children's book. A LOT. In fact, at last count, we had just over 900. It's a sickness, really. But, we love books and we want our children to love books. So, we read to the kids every night and encourage them to read on their own. We surround them on every side with books on every conceivable topic. We buys books for birthdays and Christmas and just because and hope our passion rubs off on them.
Before we moved to China I was in purge mode. I donated, gave away,
trashed, sold, and destroyed as much as I could possibly justify. We only have so many pounds allotted when we move overseas and I wanted to take only what was absolutely necessary. Period. That said, we NEVER move without our children's books. There isn't much point putting them in storage and though I could probably get rid of some if pressed, Kenny would be heartbroken. But, this time around, in favor of filling as many pounds as possible with consumables, I contemplated getting rid of our board books. Kenny scoffed at my suggestion and pronounced me crazy. He declared we weren't ready to divest ourselves
of this much loved collection. He insisted they still had more joy to give and more love to receive.
...so, very, very right.
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