When Kenny and I had been dating for about 2 weeks, Washington, DC, had one of its worst snow storms on record. The entire city was shut down for 3 days. As it happened, I was at Kenny's house the night the storm moved in and by the time I was ready to go home, it was too late and I was snowed in with him and his 4 roommates. I didn't know any of these guys (including Kenny) all that well and the prospect of being their house guest for who knew how long was a little troubling.
It was that beginning stage of a relationship where things had been going very well - well enough that the day before we had celebrated Valentine's Day together - but we were still getting to know each other and see if we were compatible enough to keep things moving forward. There was still the question of whether or not we'd run out of things to say or stop being surprised or impressed by the other one or just get bored. Add to that the fact that I was not prepared for an overnighter, much less a more than overnighter and you can imagine my trepidation. But, it couldn't be helped, the roads were impassable and short of snowshoeing it home, I was stuck.
As it turned out, Kenny and his roommates were wonderful hosts. The house they lived in was large enough that they could accommodate a sixth resident. Their pantry was well stocked for 5 guys in grad school so we had plenty of delicious food as well. We watched movies and played games and talked and talked and talked. I learned a lot about Kenny during those three days and I also learned that I was a little more high-maintenance than I had previously thought. I vividly remember standing in the shower staring at the bar of soap in the dispenser, the only soap available, and dreaming of my Dove body wash back at my apartment. Washing my face with that soap sucked out so much moisture it hurt to smile (no moisturizer available either!!!). By the end of the 3 days I also would have given my left arm for something to wear that didn't have a college or professional team name or mascot emblazoned on it. Now, I wish we had pictures from that adventure, but at the time I was not about to go anywhere near a camera.
The snow finally melted enough that cars could get through, sort of, and Kenny and his roommate drove/slid me home. Power and phone lines was restored across the city, we had all survived, and most importantly, Kenny and I still wanted to see each other again. I wanted to thank the guys for their kindness and enlisted the aid of my good friend Adrianne to help me come up with a suitable gift. She didn't know the guys at all, but after we talked about them and the weekend, suggested they might like some good steaks. After three days I was confident that this was a house of carnivores and couldn't think of a better way to say thank you. We headed off to Costco and bought some very delicious steaks - the kind people in grad school don't usually eat.
The snow finally melted enough that cars could get through, sort of, and Kenny and his roommate drove/slid me home. Power and phone lines was restored across the city, we had all survived, and most importantly, Kenny and I still wanted to see each other again. I wanted to thank the guys for their kindness and enlisted the aid of my good friend Adrianne to help me come up with a suitable gift. She didn't know the guys at all, but after we talked about them and the weekend, suggested they might like some good steaks. After three days I was confident that this was a house of carnivores and couldn't think of a better way to say thank you. We headed off to Costco and bought some very delicious steaks - the kind people in grad school don't usually eat.
mmmm. meat :)
We are alive and kicking. I am not the verbose one, though, so you will need to get the goos at the blog. See you in cyberspace.
That would be goods, not "goos".
Now, being trapped together and still liking each other afterward...that is a true way to know you are destined to be together! :)
I love your title, here:)
i knew this was the story you were going to share!!! ha ha. of course the t-street boys loved your steaks! they were regulars at red, hot and blue and any other ribs place! loved the post.
p.s. it also reminded me of kenny's deep fried turkey thanksgiving!
Great story! There's nothing like spending 3 unexpected days together to get to know one another. What a fun memory from your dating days.
The famous gift of meat -- it truly did endear you to the T-Street boys forever. Matt was definitely impressed that you bought them steaks. Of course, he's been known to eat only meat for meals, but that's another story. Maybe we'll get to bbq when you're in DC this summer.
We live in Augusta, Georgia...it is about 2 hours east of Atlanta...I wouldn't want you to look in the wrong place for the children's museum. Thank you so much for your sweet compliment on my blog. :)
Well hello there...
Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to venture over here. It wasn't for lack of interest, for sure! Let's chalk it up to more gestational irresponsibility.
Great story -- I agree, for (most) guys, meat is always an appreciated gift!
Great story. I think I would have died. Did they use the one and only bit of soap on all their bodies? SICK! And sort of off the subject, but not really, I'm always asking John how he can stand NOT wearing moisturizer after he uses that irish spring sport crap on his face. How does his face not crack? Seriously??!!!
So glad you stayed together. You were basically married for three days anyway!
It sounds like a dream weekend...as I spent the whole three days alone in my apartment, wishing that I were in Mexico, where I would have been if the airport hadn't been shut down.
P.S. Kenny makes a mean burger.
I'm only about two weeks late commenting on this story...but I loved it.
That story is so great. Your kids will love to read that someday. (Hopefully they don't use it against you!!! "But mom, you and dad had a slumber party!!!!!" hahaha.)
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