Sunday, December 07, 2014

25 Days of Christmas - Day 7

Today we chanced upon a random display of the Coca-cola Christmas Polar Bears.  We happened to be at a mall in Beijing and saw 30 or so of these larger than life Polar Bears outside the mall and up and down the corridors inside, too.  I'm a big fan of the Coca-Cola Polar Bears commercials, and I am certainly missing them this time of year, but I had no idea this was even a thing.

Of course, I should not be surprised.  Malls here routinely bedeck themselves with characters of every variety, just, as far as we can tell, because.  And people flock to the malls to see the characters (not humans dressed in costume ala Disney mind you, instead they come to see plastic figurines or posters or blow-up replicas) and take pictures.  The malls will advertise their latest character displays on buses, billboards, the internet, and even in publications.  I guess they assume if you come to see the Minions you'll stay to shop.

But, no one shops in Beijing malls.  No one.  The stores are always empty.  The food courts and restaurants and movie theaters and cafes are always bursting at the seams with patrons, but everywhere else is a ghost town.  Well, that's not entirely true, the Apple store is always so jam-packed you can barely breathe.  Anyway, we decided to do as the locals and snap some pictures of the bears as well.  Strange display, but cute just the same.


lacrisler said...

Look at that blue sky..what a fun exhibit. Love the bears, MOM

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