1) Always pick the sloth up from behind holding it's arms or torso. The small insects that live on sloths won't hurt you.
2) Keeping the sloth well separated from your body (I'm pretty sure this is intuitive), carry it to a safe place
3) Place the sloth on the trunk of a tree. It's better if the tree is a Yagrumo, it's natural habitat.
It's a good thing these signs exist, because the next time I came across a sloth not in his tree I might just have left him there to fend for himself. Not now though, now I am fully prepared to return him to his natural habitat away from unsuspecting motorists and pedestrians.
That's hilarious! Who would have thought!
LOVE it! Have you seen a sloth yet?
It is fun watching them move in slow motion...
That's so interesting. :)
Okay, that is hilarious. Now you must keep your eye out for sloths to rescue! Too funny.
Sloths are my favorite animal so if you see one, I want pictures! :)
Oh yeah, that's much better than the signs in SD with the family running across the freeway with the little girls' pigtails flyin.
I really hope you do run across a sloth
Um, wow. I'm not even sure what to say other than, I WANT TO LIVE IN SOUTH AMERICA!
okay this is hilarious!!! that sign still doesn't make me want to touch a sloth! yikes.
This is almost, if not better, than the "crossing llama" signs in Peru!
It's a good thing we don't live there. My boys would spend every free minute searching for sloths to rescue. They'd probably try to keep one as a pet.
that is so awesome! love that. you'll have to post when you have an encounter.
I love your TIV Tuesdays! Do sloths just crawl rampant there? How hilarious! :) You're right though! Good thing they have that sign! hah!
That is so cute...although I would be a little scared to pick up a sloth and move it anwhere...maybe because the sign makes them look scary although the worst they could do is move in, eat all your food and never clean up after themselves...oh wait thats my brother LOL!
I wanna' rescue a sloth!
That is hilarious. I want pictures when you rescue one :-)
That is too funny. Your one goal in life, or at least before you move again, should be to rescue a sloth. But please, take lots of pictures. I will do my part here to rescue lazinesses. You do your part - I will do mine and together we will save the world ... or something.
PS. I don't know who Shelley is but the words "crawl rampant" should be used together more often.
Who knew that you just randomly met up with lost sloths in Venezuela???
My boys would love to run across a sloth. First thing out of my mouth would be, "DON'T TOUCH IT!" though.
Thanks for coming by my blog. I've never been here either but, I will be back. :)
That information could be very useful. I think.
This is seriously good stuff. I'm good at preserving my laziness.
"Preservation and rescue of laziness" is truly a cause I can get behind.
I laughed heartily about #2 when you said, "I'm pretty sure this is intuitive." This is some great stuff!
Um, they are covered in bugs? I don't care what the sign says, I would not be coming near it.
There is a whole world out there that I just can't imagine!! I love reading these posts.
Somedays I am a sloth. I wish someone would carry me to safety.
Love it! I need that sign for my house, I am kind of Lazy at times.
I wish I could hold a sloth.
Good stuff. See, Venezuela has alot to offer. Where else would you have learned how to rescue a sloth. Side note- isn't sloth synonymous with laziness in English too.
I wonder if they could post similar signs across the world - you know about removing the laziness...? for sure we'd probably all be in trouble if that were the case, can you imagine how many people would be suddenly picked up, held at arms length and placed carefully into trees? :)
I'm with "nicole and Andrew", whomever they are, and think we should start placing lazy people in trees, minding to only hold them at arms length.
Too funny. A sloth?
LOVE crazy signs...that take themselves very seriously!
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