My mother has always said that raising 2 children is easy, and that it is with 3 children where you (the parents) become outnumbered and then you might as well have 12 for all the control you maintain. I have quoted this saying of hers often, but in the last week have realized she said this after having 7 children, not after having 2. So far, that is one week after having baby #2 (now known as Isaac), 2 children is not exactly what I would call "easy", but it is wonderful in many ways and we are adjusting to the demands of parenting a 2 year-old and an infant as they come. Kenny is carrying a significant part of the parenting burden as Isaac and I work out a feeding and eating schedule that leaves me functioning and him satisfied. Time is of the essence since Kenny must return to Peru in about 10 days, something which puts dread and fear into my soul and so of course I am pretending that it won't happen. Caleb seems to like "baby Isaac" and has taken to referring to him as "my baby." He is working on being gentle with the baby and apart from a few meltdowns/tantrums is handling Isaac's arrival on the scene fairly well. I'm not certain he knows that Isaac is a permanent fixture yet, but if not, I am certain he will let us know when that fact finally dawns on him.
This week, in comparison with the week following Caleb's birth, has been 1000% better for me. The labor/delivery were amazing in terms of quickness and easiness. The hospital stay was terrifically rejuvenating and I started feeling like a normal person before I even left the hospital. After Caleb I was shell-shocked, for a long time, a long time. And then there were problems with nursing (Isaac is doing well in this area) and sleeping (again, Isaac is a great sleeper and doesn't need to be held to do it - Hallelujah!) and knowing I had to go back to work (not this time) and a host of other things I just wasn't prepared for. People say it gets easier, and while I know this isn't the case for everyone, it certainly has been for me and I am really enjoying my much shorter road to recovery.
Here are some pictures from the last week:
My two sons
First non-hospital issued clothes. Notice the tan? Isaac was a little jaundiced but not
enough to require extra time in the hospital or photo therapy.
Isaac's first car ride
Caleb sledding with Uncle Lyman
Isaac and Grandest
Isaac and Grandeur
Isaac with Grandma and Grandpa
Isaac's first bedtime story
Caleb and his new bath toys - I don't think Picasso should be worried
Congratulations! He is Gorgeous! Just beautiful. Hang in there. Going from one to two was harder for me than going from two to four! Seriously...
Isn't a good delivery such a redemptive experience? I twice had a traumatic delivery and when I finally got a good one, all of the negative feelings I had associated with birth melted away.
Isaac is beautiful! I'm sure Kenny doesn't really have to leave. He's going to surprise you by staying.
Lins! Isaac is darling! I am lame, I can't figure out how to regular email you--will you send me your email address? Xoxoxo, em.
Great, now I'm terrified. It's not going to be easy?
ahhhh , he is so handsome (both my nephews are). We are looking forward to meeting him, Garret is pretty sick so Sunday may or may not happen for us depending on him. We do not want to chance him giving Isaac what he has, we are hoping Garret will be better soon, but....
I am glad that everything went well and I am sure that you will adjust quickly to two. We love you and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Your method for avoiding the January doldrums is indeed effective. I remember getting baby #2 last December and the drama of it all too well.
Isaac is so pretty. Congrats!
man, i don't think i've ever had that much fun in a bath tub! i think i need to follow caleb's lead and buy some bathtime crayons!
Going from one to two was sort of hard for me, but I pretended that it wasn't since I waited for it for so long. But you'll get the swing of things. Every week I felt a little more capabale of "handling" it. And I learned that I just couldn't DO IT ALL for a while.
Gorgeous baby!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd deliver a baby every day if I could skip the pregnancy! So glad things are going smoothly, your boys are adorable and I'm so happy for you.
Isaac is so cute! I can imagine that with each additional child it feels like you are figuring things out all over again. You are a great mom and I am sure are handling things beautifully!
Being a parent of two rocks. It get harder and than it gets easier. I have heard the third is the hardest. You have two arms and three kids........... :) Isaac is beautiful. Good job at making babies!
Congrats. so thrilled for no.2! Glad to hear it is "easy" - don't ever tell me it is otherwise or I might back out of trying for no.2, too!
Yeah, I have significant fears of #2 - and fears of waiting too long. Life's already hard, what's the difference???
However, the good news is I have reserved all my FFM to go to VENEZUELA!!!! and so we need to plan. What do you think about November??
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