Isaac turned 2 today, and though we aren't really celebrating for another couple of weeks, I do want to devote a few lines to our little one who is no longer my baby.
Isaac is a sweet-natured little boy who is far more patient with his older brother than should be expected. He is funny and loving and smart. His English and Spanish vocabulary are growing by leaps and bounds every day and he loves trying out new words just to see if he can. He loves to run, climb, jump, gallop and generally propel himself through life. He is utterly fearless, and if he were our first child, his kamikaze approach to life would keep us in a constant state of panic. He is a champion sleeper and is still taking a long nap everyday, thank goodness! Isaac loves food. He loves to admire it, play with it, share it, buy it, carry it around, and, most importantly, eat it. He is also a social eater and hates for anyone to be having a meal without him there to savor the experience. Isaac has no favorite foods, but can be coaxed into doing almost anything with the promise of chocolate for a reward. He is happiest outside and waits breathlessly each day to hear, "Isaac, go get your shoes." He loves all things that go and is very well-behaved on trains, boats, airplanes and buses, but not so great on long car trips. He loves to dance and listen to music. He is very attached to his bolsa (beanbag) and blanket, but otherwise not overly demanding so this is an attachment we can live with. Isaac likes to be read to. He especially likes books about things that start with "P," -- puppies, pigeons, pigs, penguins, etc. He is learning to count, identify colors and letters, and sing. He is healthy and affable and loves his Mommy and Daddy and older brother. It is impossible to know how your life will change with the arrival of a new child, but we definitely lucked out when Isaac was born. Isaac has made having a second child a true joy and we are grateful everyday that he is a part of our family.
Isaac is a sweet-natured little boy who is far more patient with his older brother than should be expected. He is funny and loving and smart. His English and Spanish vocabulary are growing by leaps and bounds every day and he loves trying out new words just to see if he can. He loves to run, climb, jump, gallop and generally propel himself through life. He is utterly fearless, and if he were our first child, his kamikaze approach to life would keep us in a constant state of panic. He is a champion sleeper and is still taking a long nap everyday, thank goodness! Isaac loves food. He loves to admire it, play with it, share it, buy it, carry it around, and, most importantly, eat it. He is also a social eater and hates for anyone to be having a meal without him there to savor the experience. Isaac has no favorite foods, but can be coaxed into doing almost anything with the promise of chocolate for a reward. He is happiest outside and waits breathlessly each day to hear, "Isaac, go get your shoes." He loves all things that go and is very well-behaved on trains, boats, airplanes and buses, but not so great on long car trips. He loves to dance and listen to music. He is very attached to his bolsa (beanbag) and blanket, but otherwise not overly demanding so this is an attachment we can live with. Isaac likes to be read to. He especially likes books about things that start with "P," -- puppies, pigeons, pigs, penguins, etc. He is learning to count, identify colors and letters, and sing. He is healthy and affable and loves his Mommy and Daddy and older brother. It is impossible to know how your life will change with the arrival of a new child, but we definitely lucked out when Isaac was born. Isaac has made having a second child a true joy and we are grateful everyday that he is a part of our family.
Happy birthday Isaac! We have an Isaac but we call him Ike.
Wow, the before and after pics make you realize how time flies!! He's such a handsome little boy. Identifying letters, that is advanced - but not surprising knowing the parents!! Happy Birthday Isaac!!
Happy Birthday! And hey, why is it I have seen that couch everywhere in the world? I swear, the US Embassy made quite the shipment when they exported those sofa sets. So funny....
He has really grown in just one year. What a darling boy he is.
I love that he is still attached to his bean bag (bolsa). That is so cute.
Happy Birthday Isaac! Glad to hear you finally made it back home after your travel ordeal. Only a big boy could have survived that mess! Much love from your Auntie and Cousin J!
(and Uncle M, too!)
Wow! He is getting so big. Can't wait to see you all in person... Happy (belated) Birthday to Isaac!
Happy Birhday (not so) baby Isaac! Your uncle Lane loves you VERY much. You were so fun to play with this winter. I cannot wait to see you again!
Wow....they change so quickly!!!
I changed my blog:
Come read!
Happy birthday, we love you Isaac.
I wanted an Isaac. So cute! What an awesome thing to learn two languages at once.
Love the before/after comparison. He is a "real boy" now! Happy birthday, Isaac.
Such a cutie - and is he really as tall as he looks?
I think you had another son that had a bithday...humm...waiting (not so) patiently for that one.
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