Friday, July 24, 2009

School's Out for Summer

Caleb's last day of school was also a medals ceremony.

All the medals were alike and each child received one.

For whatever reason Caleb started the event in tears.

But, once the singing began he forgot his woes and joined in with gusto.

He sang the loudest of all the students. Apparently, he is always the loudest and was not just trying to impress his parents.

Then he received his medal. He was excited about it
for approximately 5 minutes, then took it off,
handed it to me and said, "no mas, Mommy."

The whole class.
(Incidentally, by law, all preschool children in Venezuela wear red shirts, elementary children wear white, junior high are assigned light blue and high school wear tan in all schools, public and private -- according to the government, it is just easier that way.)

Caleb with his teachers Margot and Mariolga. He has loved his school and only a week into vacation is already asking when he can go back. Mid-September is not going to come soon enough for either of us.


dana said...

cute. I love the "no mas mommy". The boy is going to be fluent in Espagnol when he's older!

Annemarie said...

The loudest kid is always my most favorite at those things. I love it!

Cassidy said...

Intruiging idea to color code kids by grade. And glad to hear Caleb has good singing pipes!

Tristan said...

How cute! Caleb is adorable!

I love that they color code the children there!

heidiram said...

O.K. Jealous. SO JEALOUS! It was my dream to have my kids start out living abroad at a YOUNG age. And now my kids are getting older and older. Which is going to make it harder and harder for us to uproot them and take them abroad since they are establishing their life in the States. BOO! I will just live vicariously through you. Chavez, arepas, and all.

diane said...

I love that your kids are bi-lingual. I think uniforms are brilliant. I wish my kids had to wear them. It might eliminate the dress code infractions...the fact that kids try to wear as little as possible to school.

You deserve a medal.

Sandi said...

He is going to be so lucky to speak two languages "natively" I love the picture of the little blondy between his Venezualan teachers.

Brown Sugar said...

A medal ceremony at the end of the school year, genius!

Cassidy said...

By the way, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head =)

Lauren in GA said...

I love that he said, "no mas, Mommy" to you.

I also love that he sings out. Does he do that in Primary, too?

I love reading your blog and finding out about life there. Tidbits like the wearing certain colored shirts according to grade level fascinate me.

AnnieB said...

love that he's picking up his spanish. how cool is that? love the little morsels of culture like color coding kids! so interesting.

Grayson Family said...

Can you imagine if they color coded us? Birthday's would take on a whole new meaning. When you are required by law to wear black you know the end is near.

Heather said...

Amen...I can't wait to get to Mexico and enroll Sebastian back into preschool. Home leave is killing me!

Adrianne said...

I'm so sorry school is out. Do they have summer camps? Oh wait, maybe you don't mind your child being home all day. Maybe that's just me!

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