With Thanksgiving just around the corner my thoughts have turned to dinner, well dessert really. Okay, so I'm always thinking about dessert, but this is Thanksgiving dinner dessert, this is SPECIAL! This will be my 5th Thanksgiving since marrying Kenny and thus my 5th since hearing those fateful words,
"I don't like Pumpkin Pie, I never eat it". I was aghast, appalled, astonished. What, no pumpkin pie, on Thanksgiving???!!! Heresy!!!

Now, I'm not going to lie, pumpkin pie is not my favorite pie of choice, but it is traditional and necessary and Thanksgiving just doesn't feel the same without it. Sure you can have peach and apple and cherry and mincemeat and rhubarb and anything else, but in
ADDITION to the pumpkin. Despite my shock, my husband is practically perfect in every
other way, so I caved, I did not and have not made pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving since. I have tried various substitutes to satisfy my probably irrational need, Paula Dean's
Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cakes, Martha Stewart's
Pumpkin Cupcakes, even
Sweet Potato Pie which looks like pumpkin pie and I think actually tastes better, but nothing doing, I am a creature of habit and tradition and I know all of these are just wolves in
pumpkin clothing.

To be fair, I could just make the pumpkin pie, I could have all along, but then we are just 3 people, really 2 and 1/2 and that would mean eating an entire pie myself (not impossible, just not wise) or throwing pie away - something my
DNA will not allow. I could go another year without, something I just don't
want to do. Or I could follow my chosen path which is to whine about my dilemma and beg for sympathy and brilliant responses from my cyber community. So dear friends my blatantly selfish request is this, as you sit down with your loved ones to Thanksgiving dinner this year with mountains of food spread before you, sure you can think about the poor and destitute and your many blessings and the things you are grateful for, but also think of me and my long-suffering sacrifice and have an extra serving of pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream in my honor (even if, horror of horrors, you too "don't like pumpkin pie")!
Perhaps kenny would enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie if you took it for a ride in theat deep fryer that he is so found of.(I am refrencing the deep fried twinkies and snicker bars from your engagment party.)
Hey! You changed! To whom do you owe special favors?
I like the pie but not the crust. I pretend it is pudding. I've never really met a dessert I didn't like. You should make the pie and eat it anyway. It is good for you, all of that pumpkin.
linsey, love the new look! is it something she created or you picked out?
Bummer. I love it. And I have an awesome recipe. (Because I have an awesome recipe for everything, basically).
I love pumpkin pie and am one of the few people I know who wants it ALL year long...I can't imagine a Thanksgiving table without one. It really is my favorite pie--so make it anyway and eat up!!
Are you guys, the social coordinators, really not having anyone else join you for Thanksgiving festivities?
Who did your new look?? Why wont' the fairy come do mine?? Okay, I am mixed ont his, beause I never eat pumpkin pie, I don't like it, but I am a traditionalist, so sort of feel like it should be present. I have compromised and now settle for pecan pie, during those years that I actually have some kind of Thanksgiving - this year NOT being one of those years.
Have you tried Pumpkin CAKE? It is so goood and not custard-y at all. Write me if you want the recipie...
Funny thing, I don't like pumpkin pie either, and I think it drives Sina a little crazy. I blame it on that Thanksgiving back on the mission when I ate a whole pumpkin pie in one afternoon...
I love your "chosen path." That's awesome. I have that same path, too- to complain & blog about a lot of different problems. :) I bookmarked that Paula Deen recipe. That sounded SO GOOD! Also, I love the new blog look, too.
Your blog looks great! How did you get the background like that? I've been wondering how people do that.
You should make some pumpkin chocolate chip bread this year to get your pumpkin fix. It freezes great so you won't feel like you're eating it all at once! Just an idea....
I'm embarrassed to say that I'm with your husband on this issue. I just don't love it. But I do feel bad about not loving it cause it is so traditional. I think I should try that gooey cake you mentioned!
i'm not a huge fan of pumpkin pie either... i saw your comment on gabi's blog. and it made me laugh. especially because i don't like cooking turkey at all, it totally scares me, i just posted about it. anyway, thought i'd say hi. see around the blogs.
As with his views on Shakira, I am definitely in agreement with Kenny on the pumpkin pie issue...it's pretty much bad, bad, bad. But, since Carlos (and no doubt Sebastian when he is old enough) loves it, I always make it. Do you need one for your early Christmas? Would be happy to bake it for you....
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