We carved our pumpkin last week for Family Home Evening and because of the humidity it became moldy so quickly it has already been thrown away.
The last Friday in October was last week so the Embassy Halloween party was then and thus the only costume donning occasion for Caleb has come and gone. And for the record, in spite of all claims to the contrary, Caleb is dressed as a Giraffe, not a COW! A Giraffe with special powers no less - see here: Sebastian's Crazy Peruvian Life
And, though I spent all last week and especially most of last Thursday and Friday shopping and cutting and taping and planning and setting up the Political and Economic sections combined table for the Embassy party (each section puts together a table or something for the kids to come and trick or treat to - ours was pretty low key though I did create a 7 foot witch using a ladder, oodles of black garbage bags, a whole roll of duct tape, string, cardboard and dowels spray painted black), the one thing I failed to do was capture any of my preparations or final product on film. But, the table did win first place (better than our third place finish last year) in our category and I have a picture of our victory - note, I am including this picture because it is all I have despite the fact that I looked haggard and less than my, well not stellar, but at least better looking self.

Totally a giraffe. A very short necked giraffe. And I like how you've posted your books, even if they are all little esoteric for me.
I have dreams of having a large community party next year, in which case I will be calling you for help.
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