We are leaving Peru in just over a week for 2 glorious weeks in Paris - bookended by two 19 hour+ trav

el days with our delightful 20 month old (I can only imagine the posts that experience will yield). We are SO excited to be taking a vacation and visiting our wonderful friends whom we have not seen in far too long. We have both been to Paris in the past (not together) and have hit the highlights, which we will do again if only to take a picture of Caleb at each to remind him when he is older of just how amazing and generous and concerned about his global experience his parents really are. My parents had not taken me to Buenos Aires, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca and Paris all before the age of 2 (never mind that he will remember nothing!). But, on this trip, because we are go

ing to have more time than usual, we want to do some off-the-beaten path, "my favorite thing to do, sight to see, place to go in Paris" or "someday I would love to go here" kinds of things. So, we are soliciting input from our pool of readers many of whom we know are Paris lovers and in some cases aficionados of the City of Light. Send us your must-see recommendations and in return we promise to think of you while we are seeing them! How's that for a fair trade? Not that our blogging happens with any regularity, but I suspect that it will come a grinding halt while we are away, though upon our return we will blitz you with images and memories of what promises to be a much needed and spectacular adventure.
PS Any comments regarding magic methods for keeping the under 2 set happy on 10 hour flights are also welcome!
I am so excited for you guys. Paris in the fall. How lovely! When I was there a few years ago we took a trip out to Normandy which was great. If you haven't been there, it's worth considering! Have FUN!!!
Walk the back way up cobblestone streets to Sacre Coeur, preferably eating a Petite Religieuse (double-decker eclair). And eat lots of cheese.
The under 2 set does well on Benadryl. Make sure you time it right.
I would like you to eat. A lot. You can think of me while you are doing that. And go get delicious ethnic food in the Marais.
Oh, I'm so glad you stopped by and visited me. I've been reading you for a while but I was too shy to say hi.
I haven't been to Paris in 15 years and I feel sorry for myself so I can't give you any advice.
Sadly, I have no advice to give you about Paris. I have imagined going to Paris but I don't think you can visit any of my imaginary haunts (although they are pretty great). If I were to go to Paris though, I would hit a bunch of art museums and cry over all the stuff I used to know (I studied art history in school). Oh, and I would eat a lot of croissants and give fellow tourists dirty looks so they thought that I was a frequent visitor or resident of Paris. I'm all about blending in.
That last comment made me laugh, someone said hi to me on the street the other day and I just glared back and asked Nate, very indignantly, "Do we KNOW that woman?" Scowls do come with the territory.
We are excited for you to be here! I really need you all here!
I don't know why Nor kicked us off, but she is getting plenty of attention, isn't she. I'm sure she loves it. I think you must be leaving soon, but I will make sure everything is okay when you get back!
You know how much your children have changed your life when your thoughts go immediately to kid (Caleb) friendly ideas for enjoying one of the most romantic cities on earth. Don't miss the Luxembourg Gardens, where he can ride a Merry-Go-Round, run among flower beds, and watch model boats skirt around the huge fountain/pond (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jardin_du_Luxembourg). The two of you can enjoy the fact that it is located near the Latin Quarter (good cafes) and the Sorbonne. Also, hit the Place des Voges in Les Marais, where he can chase pigeons to his heart's content. More good cafes nearby for Caleb's parents...if you go to L'As du Falafel on Rue des Rosiers nearby, you might just see Lenny Kravitz...or at least a picture of him. It's worth it for the incredibly good falafel that definitely puts Lima's Tierra Santa to shame.
I practically live in Lake Titicaca, as titties and caca are my life. I want to go to Titicaca.
Can your baby sleep in a portacrib with you in the room? That sounds hellish to me, my kid won't sleep if she can see me.
I did like your comment on my bloggity blog.
Am I too late to comment? I didn't have my computer for a week!! My favorite places are always the Rodin Museum gardens and Place de Voges. It is named ofter the province of Voges which was the first to pay off their portion of the war debt after I don't remember which war, so they named the prettiest square in Paris for them. I love it there, and all the complicated little streets that get to it. I also finally went to the Loire Valley with my sister a few years ago and it is completely enchanting and I can't believe I never went when I lived there. If you can do a longer trip Normandy and St. Michel are great. Truly, the reason France has more tourists than any other country in the world every year is because there is no part that is NOT enchanting! Please enjoy it all double so you are doing it for me as well!
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